
TensorFlow ML cookbook:前言

本帖最后由 levycui 于 2017-8-29 18:27 编辑


TensorFlow在2015年11月由Google开源,从此,它已经成为GitHub上最受欢迎的机器学习库。 TensorFlow的普及是由于创建计算图,自动区分和可定制性方法。由于这些功能,TensorFlow是一个非常强大和适应性强的工具,可用于解决许多不同的机器学习问题。

第1章, TensorFlow入门,介绍了TensorFlow的主要对象和概念。 我们引入tensors, variables, and placeholders。 还展示了如何使用TensorFlow中的矩阵和各种数学运算。 在本章末尾,我们将展示如何访问本书其余部分使用的数据源。


第3章,线性回归,重点是使用TensorFlow来探索各种线性回归技术,如Deming, lasso, ridge, elastic net, and logistic regression.。 展示了如何在TensorFlow计算图中实现它们。


第5章,最近邻方法,展示了如何使用数字度量,文本度量和缩放距离函数实现最近邻技术。 我们使用最近邻技术在地址之间执行记录匹配,并从MNIST数据库中分类手写数字。

第6章,神经网络,涵盖了如何在TensorFlow中实现神经网络,从操作入门和功能概念开始。 然后我们显示一个浅层神经网络,并展示如何建立各种不同类型的图层。 我们通过TensorFlow通过神经网络方法实践tic-tac-toe来结束本章。

第7章,自然语言处理,通过TensorFlow说明了各种文本处理技术。 我们展示如何实现bag-of-words技巧和TF-IDF文本。 然后,我们用CBOW和skip-gram引入神经网络文本表示,并将这些技术用于Word2Vec和Doc2Vec进行现实世界的预测。

我们展示如何构建一个简单的CNN用于MNIST数字识别,并将其扩展到CIFAR-10任务彩色图像中。 我们还说明了如何扩展以前的训练过的图像识别模型,用于定制任务,我们通过解释和展示TensorFlow中的stylenet / neural风格和deep-dream算法来结束本章。

第9章,循环神经网络,解释了如何在TensorFlow中实现复发神经网络(RNN)。 我们展示如何做文本垃圾邮件预测,并扩展RNN模型,以基于莎士比亚的文本生成。 我们还训练序列到德文--英文翻译序列模型。 我们通过展示了Siamese RNN网络在地址上进行记录匹配的用法结束这一章。


第11章,更多TensorFlow的内容,通过说明如何进行k均值,遗传算法和解决普通微分方程组(ODEs)来展示TensorFlow的多功能性。 我们还展示了Tensorboard的各种用途,以及如何查看计算图表度量。

本书中的实例使用TensorFlow,可从https://www.tensorflow.org获取基于Python 3,可从https://www.python.org/downloads/获得。

TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook适用于具有机器学习经验的用户以及Python编程方面的经验。 具有广泛机器学习背景的用户可能会发现TensorFlow代码启发,具有广泛Python编程背景的用户可能会发现有助于解释。

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文本中的代码字如下所示:“然后我们设置batch_size变量”。 一个代码块设置如下:
[mw_shl_code=python,true]embedding_mat = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocab_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0))
embedding_output = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding_mat, x_data_ph)[/mw_shl_code]
[mw_shl_code=python,true]print('Training Accuracy: {}'.format(accuracy))[/mw_shl_code]
[mw_shl_code=python,true]Training Accuracy: 0.878171[/mw_shl_code]

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TensorFlow was open sourced in November of 2015 by Google, and since then it has become the most starred machine learning repository on GitHub. TensorFlow's popularity is due to the approach of creating computational graphs, automatic differentiation, and customizability.Because of these features, TensorFlow is a very powerful and adaptable tool that can be used to solve many different machine learning problems.
This book addresses many machine learning algorithms, applies them to real situations and data, and shows how to interpret the results.

What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with TensorFlow, covers the main objects and concepts in
TensorFlow. We introduce tensors, variables, and placeholders. We also show how to work with matrices and various mathematical operations in TensorFlow. At the end of the chapter we show how to access the data sources used in the rest of the book.

Chapter 2,The TensorFlow Way, establishes how to connect all the algorithm components from Chapter 1 into a computational graph in multiple ways to create a simple classifier.
Along the way, we cover computational graphs, loss functions, back propagation, and training with data.

Chapter 3, Linear Regression, focuses on using TensorFlow for exploring various linear regression techniques, such as Deming, lasso, ridge, elastic net, and logistic regression. We show how to implement each in a TensorFlow computational graph.

Chapter 4, Support Vector Machines, introduces support vector machines (SVMs) and shows how to use TensorFlow to implement linear SVMs, non-linear SVMs, and multi-class SVMs.

Chapter 5, Nearest Neighbor Methods, shows how to implement nearest neighbor techniques using numerical metrics, text metrics, and scaled distance functions. We use nearest neighbor techniques to perform record matching among addresses and to classify hand-written digits from the MNIST database.

Chapter 6, Neural Networks, covers how to implement neural networks in TensorFlow, starting with the operational gates and activation function concepts. We then show a shallow neural network and show how to build up various different types of layers. We end the chapter by teaching TensorFlow to play tic-tac-toe via a neural network method.

Chapter 7, Natural Language Processing, illustrates various text processing techniques with TensorFlow. We show how to implement the bag-of-words technique and TF-IDF for text. We then introduce neural network text representations with CBOW and skip-gram and use these techniques for Word2Vec and Doc2Vec for making real-world predictions.

Chapter 8, Convolutional Neural Networks, expands our knowledge of neural networks by illustrating how to use neural networks on images with convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
We show how to build a simple CNN for MNIST digit recognition and extend it to color images in the CIFAR-10 task. We also illustrate how to extend prior trained image recognition models for custom tasks. We end the chapter by explaining and showing the stylenet/neural style and deep-dream algorithms in TensorFlow.

Chapter 9, Recurrent Neural Networks, explains how to implement recurrent neural networks(RNNs) in TensorFlow. We show how to do text-spam prediction, and expand the RNN model to do text generation based on Shakespeare. We also train a sequence to sequence model for German-English translation. We finish the chapter by showing the usage of Siamese RNN networks for record matching on addresses.

Chapter 10, Taking TensorFlow to Production, gives tips and examples on moving TensorFlow to a production environment and how to take advantage of multiple processing devices (for example GPUs) and setting up TensorFlow distributed on multiple machines.

Chapter 11, More with TensorFlow, show the versatility of TensorFlow by illustrating how to do k-means, genetic algorithms, and solve a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We also show the various uses of Tensorboard, and how to view computational graph metrics.

What you need for this book
The recipes in this book use TensorFlow, which is available at https://www.tensorflow.org/ and are based on Python 3, available at https://www.python.org/downloads/.
Most of the recipes will require the use of an Internet connection to download the necessary data.

Who this book is for
The TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook is for users that have some experience with machine learning and some experience with Python programming. Users with an extensive machine learning background may find the TensorFlow code enlightening, and users with an extensive Python programming background may find the explanations helpful.

In this book, you will find several headings that appear frequently (Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…, and See also).
To give clear instructions on how to complete a recipe, we use these sections as follows:

  • Getting ready
This section tells you what to expect in the recipe, and describes how to set up any software or
any preliminary settings required for the recipe.
  • How to do it…
This section contains the steps required to follow the recipe.
  • How it works…
This section usually consists of a detailed explanation of what happened in the previous section.
  • There's more…
This section consists of additional information about the recipe in order to make the reader more knowledgeable about the recipe.
  • See also
This section provides helpful links to other useful information for the recipe.

In this book, there are many styles of text that distinguish between the types of information.
Code words in text are shown as follows: "We then set the batch_size variable." A block of code is set as follows:
[mw_shl_code=python,true]embedding_mat = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocab_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0))
embedding_output = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding_mat, x_data_ph)[/mw_shl_code]

Some code blocks will have output associated with that code, and we note this in the code block as follows:
[mw_shl_code=python,true]print('Training Accuracy: {}'.format(accuracy))[/mw_shl_code]

Which results in the following output:
[mw_shl_code=python,true]Training Accuracy: 0.878171[/mw_shl_code]

Important words are shown in bold.

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jianlei1109 发表于 2017-8-31 19:07:29

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