

arsenduan 发表于 2015-3-12 23:56:12 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 阅读模式 关闭右栏 4 55804

j = 0
    val s2 = s.split(",").filter(_.trim.nonEmpty).foreach {
      item =>
          j = j + 1
          println(item, j)


hyj 发表于 2015-3-12 23:56:33
=> has several meanings in Scala, all related to its mathematical meaning as implication.

1. In a value, it introduces a function literal, or lambda. e.g. the bit inside the curly braces inList(1,2,3).map { (x: Int) => x * 2 }

2. In a type, with symbols on both sides of the arrow (e.g. A => T, (A,B) => T, (A,B,C) => T, etc.) it's sugar forFunction<n>[A[,B,...],T], that is, a function that takes parameters of typeA[,B...], and returns a value of type T.

  2.1  Empty parens on the left hand side (e.g. () => T) indicate that the function takes no parameters (also sometimes called a "thunk");

  2.2 Empty parens on the right hand side denote that it returns ()—the sole value of type Unit, whose name can also be written ()—confused yet? :)

A function that returns Unit is also known as a procedure, normally a method that's called only for its side effect.

3. In the type declaration for a method or function parameter, with no symbol on the left hand side (e.g.def f(param: => T)) it's a "by-name parameter", meaning that is evaluated every time it's used within the body of the function, and not before. Ordinary "by-value" parameters are evaluated before entry into the function/method.

4.  In a case clause, they separate the pattern (and optional guard) from the result expression, e.g.case x => y.


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271592448 发表于 2015-3-13 09:37:27

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nettman 发表于 2015-3-14 13:35:50
271592448 发表于 2015-3-13 09:37

Scala 支持定义匿名函数,匿名函数由参数列表,箭头连接符( =>)和函数体组成

// 定义匿名函数
  val cube = (x: Int) => x * x *x

x * x *x 是函数体

(x: Int)是匿名函数的参数


参考:Scala 初级入门3:简洁的 Scala 语法

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feng01301218 发表于 2015-3-14 18:03:24
Scala 支持定义匿名函数,匿名函数由参数列表,箭头连接符( =>)和函数体组成

// 定义匿名函数
  val cube = (x: Int) => x * x *x

x * x *x 是函数体

(x: Int)是匿名函数的参数


参考:Scala 初级入门3:简洁的 Scala 语法

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